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Engaging in the activities facilitated by Trademum, including holding or purchasing digital assets (referred to as cryptocurrency, digital tokens, digital coins, altcoins, digital assets, tokens, or other blockchain-based assets), creating, sharing, and discovering intentions to exchange assets (referred to as "Orders"), copying trading strategies and utilizing the Trademum Software, entails significant risks and the potential for financial losses, including, but not limited to, the following:
1.New and Uncertain Market:
The market for digital assets is still new and uncertain. Investment funds should not be allocated to assets or speculative activities unless prepared to accept the possibility of complete loss.
2. Complex Features and Properties:
The features and properties of digital assets and the underlying technology may be complex, technical, or challenging to understand or evaluate.
3. Security Vulnerabilities:
Digital assets and their underlying technology may be susceptible to security, integrity, or operational attacks.
4. Trading Platform Risks:
Trading platforms or crypto exchanges may be vulnerable to various attacks, technical issues, or cease to operate as expected due to enforcement and regulatory activities, scamming, or communication issues.
5. Trader Risks:
As much as we try to mitigate this risk, At times, Traders or strategy providers may engage in trading actions, rendering their strategies unreliable.
6. Technology Changes:
The technology, features, or functions of digital assets may change or stop operating as expected, potentially resulting from attacks or a "fork" or "rollback" of the asset or blockchain.
7. Cancellation and Loss:
Assets may be canceled, lost, or double-spent, and their value may diminish due to various factors such as forks, rollbacks, attacks, or changes to their functions.
8. Uncertain Legal Status:
The legal status of some assets may be uncertain, leading to unclear regulations or tax implications. Users are responsible for understanding the regulatory and tax environment in their jurisdictions.
9. Software Data Source:
All information displayed via the Trademum Software is retrieved directly from specified trading platforms, and users should not rely solely on this information. Accuracy, reliability, and appropriateness for individual needs should be independently verified.
10. Data Accuracy and Reliability:
Information available on the Trademum Software, including charts, may not be accurate, reliable, or suitable for specific needs.
Users are encouraged to exercise caution, conduct due diligence, and seek professional advice before engaging in any activities facilitated by Trademum. The platform is not a substitute for independent research or judgment.
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